Part of living a healthy life is making sure that you take care of your health before an emergency or serious illness happens. That means getting preventive or wellness checkups from your primary care physician (PCP).
How do a PCP and wellness checkups help my health?
Having a doctor that knows you, and your health needs, is a relationship that can help you treat health issues before they become more serious or have to be dealt with as an emergency. That means you’re better able to keep up your quality of life, work schedule, and other life demands while making sure you stay healthy and have issues handled when they happen.
Wellness checkups help your doctor find out what your health is like and what health issues you may have. Having a relationship with a PCP means the doctor can help treat you when you have a minor issue or illness, and your PCP can help connect you to specialists, if you need one.
Do I need a wellness check each year?
How often you need to have a wellness check-up depends on your age and your health conditions. Your PCP can help you create the right wellness schedule for you.
Is health insurance the only key to a happy, healthy life?
Your Arkansas Works health insurance with covered wellness checkups and other benefits is only part of the equation. There are lots of things that help you live a full and happy life aside from your medical care.
Finding a Job You Enjoy
People who work in a job they love or a field they enjoy may feel less stressed and more productive. If you are looking for a job, want to make a career change, or want to explore how you can use your skills in a different way, the Arkansas Department of Workforce Services (DWS) can help! DWS can help you update your resume, earn your GED, connect you with a training program, connect you with employers in a field you are interested in, and more.
Visit the DWS website to get more information, find the DWS office near you, and see what the agency has to offer.
Getting Experience, Connecting with Your Community & Giving Back
For people who are passionate about a cause, volunteering in their communities and getting experience can be a positive way to make a difference. VolunteerAR is one way you can find nonprofit groups that need volunteers in your area. You can also find volunteer opportunities in your county and surrounding areas by visiting the Arkansas Works Resource Guide.
Never Stop Learning
If you do want to make a career change to find less stress, more security for your future, or in a different field that’s in high-demand, reaching those goals can mean good things for your mental and physical health. Sometimes, you may need to go back to school to get a certificate or degree, the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has opportunities to help cover the costs for programs in high-demand fields, like IT and nursing, and scholarship options for college courses.